Election post


Being on the GES committee for two consecutive years as the Green Business Forum Director and holding leadership positions, such as Executive in Economist's Society, Project Leader at Curaty (a sustainability focused start up) and Operations Coordinator at Green Enterprise Institute, I am equipped and knowledgeable to pursue this role. I am eager to work in a team of like-minded individuals and foster a culture where creativity and innovation strive. I believe this would allow the society to make the most impact in our field, with my team at the heart of the community. Similarly, I am looking forward to welcoming new committee members to the society. It is extremely important to carry on the society agenda into the upcoming year, which I am excited to pursue backed by the support of the existing committee, and capitalise on my expertise to reach our main aim of facilitating the circular economy and widening knowledge of sustainability.

As the President of the society, I am eager to focus on the following key objectives:

  • Raising society’s scale within university
  • Expanding inter-university network
  • Partnerships beyond higher education.