Election post


Hi, as you might already know, I'm Morgane, the current president of the Graphic Novels and Comics society!

This year, we've managed to expand our "centre of operations", if you may - not only are visual artists and manga appreciators involved, but American and European comic fans as well as writers have become far more involved in our workshops!

However, there is still much to do; One of the main issues this year is that many students who I'm aware would absolutely love GNCS simply were not aware of it - this isn't right! We need to let them know about our workshop sessions, our debates, and our unnecessarily complicated rabbit hole explorations!

I'm also aiming at diversifying our sessions, as I think it'd be interesting to have more writing-oriented sessions, illustration-oriented workshops, and general book club sessions!

So yes, I am effectively running for re-election, because I've seen what this society can do, and I have a good inkling of what it can become. As such, please vote for me!