Election post


I love communicating. I'd like to be the Welfare Officer because I enjoy getting involved, talking to others, listening and helping them problem solve. My friends call me Sunshine for my warm personality, positivity and can-do spirit. I’m known for wanting to help and I think that is such an important quality for this post because it allows members to communicate openly and effectively.  

The Welfare Officer is, perhaps, the backbone of any politics- based society because human relations and negotiations rely so heavily on comfort, effective communication and openness. Any serious issue requires the involved parties to feel validated and easy so that they can listen, speak and navigate the path to a solution as a team instead of working from places of negativity.

I’ve always been a dreamer, a communicator, an artist but, besides that, people perpetually comment on my reliability and dedication. So, if you give me the chance, I can guarantee that I will be extremely enthusiastic about everything I do as I have always proven throughout my experiences in various student government positions. This year, I was also the President of the Yoga and Meditation Club so I am familiar with the nuances of society management. 

I believe there will be so much to learn in this role and that I, through my own distinct experiences will be able to teach and contribute as I learn. If my passion has shone through my words then please consider voting for me!