Election post


Hey, I’m Nandini and I was Treasurer of GovPolSoc for 21-22. Being Treasurer familiarised me with the inner workings of the society and what we stand for. Alongside being Treasurer, I was involved with reviving the society with the President. I was part of rebuilding it from the ground-up, which gave me a feel for and intimate knowledge of the society. We’ve hosted two very successful events, and as President, I will prioritise gaining momentum by continuing to host relevant events that increase engagement. Here are some things I’m looking forward to doing next year:

  • Host events and discussions about lesser-known political occurrences
  • Conduct panels with expert speakers on relevant issues, like our highly sought-after Russia-Ukraine panel last week
  • Involve members by creating a community through socials like themed pub quizzes
  • Build and expand our blog- Polis, by working closely with the editor and potentially creating commission lists
  • Collaborate and host events with other related societies to gain traction

Working on reviving this society has made it close to my heart, and all the liaising with the Students’ Union means I am already familiar with all the bureaucratic procedures involved with ensuring smooth function of the society. I’m a people’s person, and am good at getting people to do things, and will make sure we are an active, engaging society, integral to political dialogue at UCL.