Election post


Hello, I’m Kevin. You might know me as the current Treasurer.

In September, we had big plans: from reestablishing core range sessions, to organizing more socials, and creating a competitive squad. I’m glad that we accomplished these goals during my term.

I wish to build on this. I feel my role as Treasurer, regular attendance in both social and competitive events, and past leadership roles in fundraising and management gives me two advantages: a unique insight into both the social and competitive sides and relevant skills — knowledge of the union, event planning, and securing additional income.

My plans are:

Core activities:

-More access to shared clubs, given some shortages this year

-Additional on-course events: scramble, regular subsidized rounds, or otherwise

-Increased ‘taster’ opportunities, exposing golf to more people


-More varied activities —including additional non-alcohol options — such as bowling, and potential inter-society collaborations

-Improving one-off events by ironing out logistics and improving event ticketing

Competitive team:

-Create a developmental squad: securing a talent pipeline and additional games

-Friendlies and varsities with other London universities to increase playing opportunity


-With the union largely withholding grant funding, I aim to secure a sponsorship contract again: Barclays or Deloitte looks currently promising

I hope you will support me as President!