Election post


Liebe Mitglieder der UCL German Society,

Maybe you’ve heard of “Schwaben” (Swabians), people in the Southwest of Germany. They have a reputation for being frugal and manage their finances very well. And even though I'm not a Swabian, I think that I would be an equally good fit to take care of the finances of our society for the following reasons:

Having been a First-Year Representative of the German Society for the past year, I have experienced the amazing events and – more importantly – the great people that form our Society. As part of the committee, I would like to keep serving the German Society and provide a great experience to our members. For the latter to be the case, our society needs cash and for that reason a responsible Treasurer. I would be very keen to utilize my skills and knowledge as an economics student and beyond to manage our finances in order for us to have enough liquidity and stable finances all the time. Hence, our highlights such as the Oktoberfest, the Stammtische and the Language Classes can persist.

Thank you for your vote!

Beste Grüße
