Election post


By serving as Head of Journal Club, I aim to help:

  • Students share their research and gather useful opinions from the audience via interactive presentations
  • Presenters and audience to gain invaluable skills like public speaking, presentation skills, and critical thinking
  • Society members to explore different research areas by presenting any research articles of interest
    • UCL-based research prioritized

I shall:

  • Review and offer advise on articles and presentation organization
  • Host and organize smooth and interactive presentations

Changes I propose:

  • Joint journal club sessions with other life sciences clubs to discuss interdisciplinary articles
    • Increase audience size and presentation impact
    • Increase topic diversity
    • Make possible more frequent sessions while maintaining reasonable workload for committee members
  • Presentations by multiple presenters as an option 
    • Optimal for authors of co-authored or co-reviewed articles
    • Prepare presenters for group presentations
    • Less stressful and encourages more students to present

My experience:

  • Co-planning and -hosting a virtual youth STEM conference this summer
  • Joining and presenting in multiple journal club sessions during 2 previous internships in university labs
  • Joining multiple external research seminars and conferences