Election post


Hiii!! I’m Izzy and I’m a first year studying Social Sciences with Data Science :DD I joined genfem this year and I’ve had the best time so far. I’ve loved attending the variety of events that have been held, and being surrounded by likeminded feminists who feel so strongly about gender and feminism related issues has been soOOo refreshing!!

I’m hoping to be a part of the committee next year, and I think the role of secretary would be really cool!! During school I played an active role in the school council, booking committee rooms, assisting the organisation of out-of-school activities, and contacting different charities, so I’m comfortable with taking on a lot of admin and organisational work. I also understand the important responsibility as a committee member of ensuring that the society is a completely safe, friendly, and welcoming environment! I’m not shy of sending a fair few emails & I’m really eager to help make a difference through supporting the organisation of charity fundraising events, as well as helping to provide more social and educational events too - hopefully pushing for more pub quizzes;)) !!!

Be it as secretary or not, I’m super excited for another year of hard-core feminism!! ^.^ <333