Election post


Hey everyone!! My name's Ruby, I'm a first year in Social Sciences and running for the position of Activism and Fundraising Officer! :)

My passion for anything related to feminism has developed so much since joining the GenFem society and I hope I can bring in some of my own knowledge and experience. I recognise how important it is to go beyond the conversations we have around gender and to actively help provide the funds that are needed to create change. I’ve worked with charities before, like the “Maison des Femmes” in France, a care and support centre for women in difficulty or victims of violence, which has taught me how crucial it is to have safe spaces for women and all minoritised communities.

GenFem has given me an inclusive environment where I found like-minded people, and I hope to perpetuate that while adding more social events where we can have interesting and fun conversations while also raising funds for the charities that need our help. 

I'd love to be the bridge between GenFem and feminist nonprofits, and also ensure that all members of the society feel free to share suggestions of events they might want to have or charities they wish to help.

I’m excited to continue to be part of a society that tackles such important issues, concerning all genders and none, while always stressing the vitality of intersectionality.

I hope you’ll have me as your activism and fundraising officer! <3