Election post


Who am I?  

My name is Ilya Kosorukov (AKA ephiros) I am a second-year comp sci student. I've also created and taken up the Discord Manager role of the society after having a discussion with the current president. My time being part of the officers as Discord Manager gave me a lot of insight into what the society could improve on and that will be my main aim if I am to be elected. 

What I plan to do 

Offline Events  

More offline events were going to start happening more often no matter what, since covid is dying down. I will continue to encourage already planned ideas and try to bring in more new ideas 


I've noticed that a lot of games don't offer as many non-competitive things to do, especially during the downtime of NSE/NUEL. I'd like to offer more things for a more casual audience 


CLUE has been a great part of the society, it brings in a new set of competition and lets everyone meet new people. I plan to continue to encourage and help CLUE to grow 

Discord Drought 

During my time as discord manager one of my main focuses was improving the activity levels of the discord, I somewhat succeeded in this but not to the level that I wanted to, with this next step I will attempt to continue to add and improve various things regarding activity and "welcoming environment" of the discord.  


I am planning to revamp the society merch store along with the newly created branding team and future branding officer to hopefully deliver some high quality