Election post


Hi, I am Telma and I am hoping to be your treasurer for 2022/2023! Last year, I was part of the FoMSF committee as the secretary, so I was responsible for creating and circulating the bulletins containing all of our exciting events. I greatly enjoyed my time in the committee and I would love to continue this year!

MSF embodies what inspired me to look for a career in medicine, to care for those who need it the most in an independent, neutral and impartial way. Through being part of the committee, I will be able to continue contributing towards their mission and helping raise awareness for all their work and current international issues. Hopefully, along the way, I will also be able to inspire others to join us.

If I am elected as your treasurer, I will ensure that event billing is as clear as possible so you are aware of how funding is allocated. I am confident that I will be able to communicate with the Student Union and manage the society’s finances effectively, as this draws on all the skills I developed as your secretary this year. By now, I am used to keeping up with my emails and administrative work, so I believe I can deal with those promptly.

I hope that I will be able to actively support all the events and fundraising that we prepare next year!