Election post


I first joined freestyle dance society out of curiosity. Now, I’ve come to love the energy and community of this society. In the eyes of a new member, one of the things I loved about this society was its inclusive atmosphere. I found in the society’s workshops and jams a comfortable vibe that was supportive of all skillsets, naturally fostering confidence and interest in dancing. Experimenting with various genres, improving myself, just having fun, and trying out new things without fear of judgement is a liberating, rare experience. I now want to help share this opportunity with a wide spectrum of people by being at the forefront of publicising freestyle dance society. I’d like to take my perspective of an absolute beginner who encountered fellow dancers in various stages of experience along the way to address and help current and potential members fluidly. Also, I’d especially like to see workshops publicised more. Our open level workshops are suitable to a wide range of people from total beginners to dancers of all stages. I believe emphasising this would be a great way of encouraging new people to try out our sessions. Thus I am standing up as candidate for publicity officer. I wish to use my Photoshop editing skills and growing enthusiasm for dancing by actively manning friendly and inclusive publicity channels, helping current and potential members keep track of all the exciting events freestyle dance society will create for the coming year!