Election post



Bonjour everyone, I am Nicolas!

As the President this year, it was a great pleasure to run the society alongside the committee and if I’m elected Cultural Officer, I hope to continue contributing to our society with more exciting cultural events. After a year of online events only, the return to in person socials, French classes and club nights this year was something we all needed, and I hope you had as much fun taking part in them as we had organising them :)

As Cultural Officer, I would love to plan more talks on exciting topics linked to the Francophone World, continue thought-provoking film screenings, but also bring back our theatre play at the Bloomsbury Theatre: a great opportunity to let the talent of our members shine.

This year I had the chance of working alongside Claire Lançon and Clelia Ortscheidt, both running for President and Vice-President respectively. If you give us a chance, together we will strive to create a welcoming community for all the Francophones of UCL!