Election post


Hi everyone, I’m Nessa and I’m running for treasurer! Firstly, joining the club this year has allowed me to fall in love with playing football again and form lots of close friendships, and I’d like to pay this forward to the new members that join next year.

I believe I’m suitable to be treasurer because I’m very well-organised and have consistently kept on top of deadlines, which is important for a role that specifically deals with the society’s expenditures. I also have some experience carrying out treasurer tasks as I dealt with the finance and funding side of an annual fundraising event I organised at school. If you aren’t already convinced by my organisational skills, I will also add that I have the most detailed spreadsheets for everything (as nerdy as it sounds), which is perfect for someone who needs to deal with money.

Overall, I would be a reliable and dependable treasurer, and as a committee member, I would aim to create a positive environment for everyone!