Election post


As many of you know, I am a Scala veteran and a very committed football social attendee. I have in fact only been to one Thursday morning lecture this year as 3 for 10 jager bombs on a Wednesday night appear to be my weakness. I therefore deem it only appropriate that I apply to be Social Secretary. This year, after a disrupted first year of uni with illnesses and a certain virus which shall not be named, I joined UCLWFC. The club were so welcoming and to be on the committee would be an honour. Alongside being extremely loud and annoying I am very organised and will be committed to making every Wednesday night social incredible. I plan to bring new themed nights including dressing as British icons, your type etc... as well as new and improved football drinking games (alcohol is one of my passions) and increasing the club's Scala attendance!!!!!  

vote for me or get ten years bad luck