Election post


Having been voted 2021's Football Training Camp Alcoholic, I see it as only fitting to run for Social Sec this year. My commitment to socials since term one and inability to say no to more shots and the classic 3 for £10 jäger bombs has seen me enter my overdraft more times than I can count and miss almost all of my Thursday classes. And obviously third year will be no different. Sports nights are incomplete without hours spent in Scala so as Social Sec I will make it my mission to get as many of you there as possible each week, and I am also going to campaign to make popcorn and candy floss a regular occurrence. 

As next year may be my last year at UCL, being more involved in the club each Wednesday, organising end of term dinners and a Football Ball, and getting us tickets to football matches would be the perfect way to end my under grad. Coming up with each weeks theme will not only be the best way to procrastinate but a perfect opportunity to add new spins and see how dedicated people will be, such as dressing as your favourite movie/tv character (i will be spider-man) and a talent show (mine i do not know)..

so vote for me for ten years of good luck