Election post


Hello lads, I'll keep this short and sweet for the SU website. 

My name is Ian Rodrigues. I've been in RUMS 3s for the last 2 years and have cemented myself as a defensive regular. I'm known for having 3 knees (can lend you one if needed), winning aerial battles despite my short stature, and looking suspiciously like Eric Dier.

I'm a fan of what Maaran has done whilst in the role and I will build on his work fervently.

On the pitch, I will bring energy, tactics and inspiring words that will inevitably lead us to be on a level with the 1s.

Off the pitch, I aim to make the squad as tight-knit as its ever been, where everyone feels included. I've got a bag-full of ideas for team socials too, meaning the 2022/2023 season will see the 3s form green links all over the gaff.

Anywho, enough talk. Just remember that voting for me means you can finally see Maaran on the bench. 

3s on 3 x