Election post


From my time on the committee this year, I was able to observe and understand the inner workings of the society. I have taken part in term films, aided in the organisation of events, and most importantly, enforced constant communication between members of our society and the committee. It has been an honour to serve on the committee this year, and something I would love to continue to do.

As treasurer, I would continue our trend of investing in vital equipment for our members to help ease the already stressful environment of film production. No one likes to find out that their equipment is malfunctioning at the last minute (I have unfortunately experienced this first-hand). To solve this, I want to set aside funds for the upkeep and maintaining of our equipment to avoid creating difficulties for our members.

I would also like to seek out external funding. It is not unconventional for societies to seek external funding to strengthen their ability to deliver services, yet it is something that Filmsoc has yet to maximise on. Having been the marketing officer this year, I have developed extensive skills in communications (essential to selling our society to businesses). Funding university societies provide potential tax breaks for companies, which is a vital aspect in convincing businesses to support Filmsoc. Such external funds would be an incredible opportunity to boost events such as FOMI, affiliate bids and even term films.

Thank you for your consideration.