Election post


I’ve been a part of Film Society for four years now, and it’s been at the heart of my time at UCL. By now, having been involved heavily with both the production side (as Drama Producer and a crew member on a number of productions) and the social side (as sub-editor, and now editor-in-chief of the Society Blog), I feel as though I know FilmSoc inside out. Secretary is a role which requires excellent communication and organisation to help keep the society running smoothly, both internally within the committee, and externally, ensuring that members are kept up to date with society announcements and information. I believe that with my understanding of how the society works as a whole, as well as my experience of demanding organisational and communications roles within the society, i’m an ideal candidate for the role. 

As secretary, I would prioritise timely and clear communication of society announcements with members, organised in such a way that members are never left in the dark regarding society updates, nor are they overwhelmed by too many announcements at once, thus potentially missing important information. I’d intend to keep the current system of communication, continuing Faith’s wonderful work this year, primarily using the Society forum, the biweekly newsletter, Telegram, Instagram, and other social channels to distribute updates and announcements.