Election post


I’ve really enjoyed being the Livestreaming and Videography officer since November – so much so that I’ve decided to run for it again!

Throughout my first year at FilmSoc, I’ve tried to get involved as much as possible, from the 48 hour film challenge, to editing this year’s term 1 film, ‘Erased’ – and especially getting stuck in with videography of course!

If re-elected, I would continue to strengthen the links between FilmSoc and other societies, as well as maintain our existing relationship with the UCL Student’s Union itself. I’d also work to streamline the out-reach process to other societies, and make sure they know we’re here to film and livestream their events!

It’s been great getting to work with those of you who stepped up to film everything from Q&As with UCL’s political societies, to the various performances from UCL’s many drama and music societies. I’ve had a lot of fun, but also learnt a lot in the process – everything from what camera is best to use for certain things (thus began my love-affair with the JVC!!) to the basic rule of thumb of arriving ridiculously early for everything, as they aren’t going to hold up the performance waiting for us to find that extra SD card! I’m sure all this would put me in good stead for returning to the role next year if re-elected, so I hope you'll consider voting for me!