Election post


Hi everyone! I'm Artemis, I am currently a first-year studying history and I spent spent last year completing a foundation in film and photography. I think that I'd be a great fit for the role of Archive Officer because of my experience handling, and at times repairing, film cameras. I am fully aware of the required sensitivity anyone dealing with the medium of film must have. 

The archive of films in the society makes up the steady development of filmmaking for students here at UCL. It is an immersive panoramic snapshot of the history and culture to which we dedicate so much of our time. It would be one of my pledges to ensure the scanning of these films so we can screen them for all the society! Screenings on film is a thing too often neglected and difficult to access. One of my promises (and perhaps dreams!) is to return screenings on film to UCL using the materials of the archive and the society's projector. 

I also pledge to continue the sorting out of the archive room's contents with clear documentation and management. 

I appreciate that such tasks require diligent patience, organisation of an archive team and solid communication with both the society and UCL. I humbly believe that with my pragmatic and logistical approach to organisational matters, I would effectively see through these pledges and encourage further involvement with the experience of film cinema.  

All the best and thank you all for your consideration!