Election post


Due to the pandemic in the year prior, we were forced to take part in online calls and virtual events. There was no opportunity to socialise physically within any intimate settings. We were also unable to fully embrace the cultural aspect of our society due to restrictions. 
This year, we’ve been able to create more opportunity for mingling amongst each other with our social-focused events. As culture and social officer, I had a key role in organising these events and making both returning, and new members feel like they were part of a community. If I am given the opportunity as society president next year, I will introduce more cultural-based events so that we can celebrate our culture even more. I will still focus on maintaining a social aspect within events; however, I believe that bringing in experiences and events based on our culture will help cater to different tastes & maybe introduce you to new things.
With my background and involvement in handling and managing events, you can put your trust in me to create the best experiences and atmospheres for the upcoming year. I hope to build new connections for for collaborations with businesses and partnerships to take place. Lastly I hope to work more closely with the SU so that we are more involved in their activities & fundraising ventures!