Election post


Our club, in my experience, has been a great place to learn how to fence. We have both a great coach and many very friendly faces who are ready to welcome anyone into the group. The main ongoing issue however is the access to working electric weapons, this is the first issue I would address. Firstly all current weapons would be repaired if possible and replaced if necessary, and a minimum number of working weapons would be maintained of each weapon based on its demand within the club. I also would bring the perspective of one of the intermediate fencers, which is something I believe has been lacking on the committee in the past. I would liked to organise an internal competition for the intermediate groups to give them a chance to experience a taste of a competitive environment.  I believe that while the club is a first and foremost a place to train, it is also a social space were I have made some great friends. I feel that it is important to organise socials as a club so the members get a chance to interact with each other in a more relaxed context. If I am elected to this position helping this club run as smoothly as possible will be my number one priority, and I will always be available to any of its members.

Killian O'Kane