Election post



I’m Yingxin, a first-year undergrad and a foilist (sometimes in that order).

It is an undisputed fact that fencing is the superior society here at UCL. The sport is excellent, the teams spectacular, and the friends unparalleled. It is safe to say that the past year with UCL Fencing has been memorable — with vertical and horizontal pistes, fishing for unbroken blades, and fencing on both teams, I’ve enjoyed virtually every second of being a part of UCL Fencing. (Maybe vertical pistes less so…)

Having had a fantastic past year, I want to give back to this club, and am committed to making fencing a better club for everyone. I’m pledging to:

1. Make things better;
The fencing wixsite is a masterpiece, but I promise to add more pictures and more detail — a competition calendar, a kit-purchasing guide for novices, and photos of our team and Rupert, etc. 

2. Do things well;
As secretary, my primary responsibility will be to manage communications and announcements. Beyond juggling the email account, this also means answering all the questions you have. Want to order merch? Student Union change our start time (again)? I’m here for you.

3. Try something new!
As we come to terms with COVID, I’m committed to supporting the committee in bringing back all the events we used to have. That means LUIF, charity events (24h fencing marathon?), and more. As a fan of electric targetboards, I will also campaign for one ;)