Election post


Hi, my name is Dina and I am running for the position of Welfare Officer in ELSA. As a second year, I understand how COVID made it hard to meet people and get as involved in university life as before. I believe that it is then especially important to ensure every member at ELSA gets support and feels included.

As a departmental Transition Mentor this year, I supported first year students in their transition to university by running weekly sessions to provide them with critical information and was always open to chat to them about their worries. Furthermore, as Deputy Head Girl, I regularly encouraged students to get involved in school life and ran workshops to help them gain confidence. I believe that these roles helped me understand what students need to feel supported and gave me mentorships skills that I feel are valuable and well-suited to the role of Welfare Officer.

As a prospective lawyer, I know how competitive and stressful the law industry can be, so if elected, I will personally ensure that each event is a safe space so that everyone can benefit from being there without impacting their mental health. I also plan on checking in with members regularly about their wellbeing and mental health to make sure that they can get the most out of the events at ELSA. Finally, I will liaise with the rest of the committee to ensure that we are an insightful and inclusive society, beneficial to all.

Feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions at [email protected]