Election post


My name is Berkay Bilik and I am a first year Mathematics student. I have been involved with UCL Entrepreneurs Society (UCLe) since the start of my undergraduate journey at UCL. The people I met and the events I attended and organised as a part of the society have been pivotal in the way I see the world. The problems I see around me are not just things that I can’t influence anymore but opportunities to build a businesses and make the world an easier place for everyone to be in. My aim for UCLe this year is to help people learn how to see the world through an entrepreneurial lens and strengthen the inspiration part of UCLe’s pipeline to success. I believe that having a strong inspiration base will strengthen all parts of our pipeline in a ripple effect. I wish to run for Welfare Officer to provide more ideation and team-building opportunities for students who want to build businesses to lead the way in making life better for everyone in a collaborative environment while also streamlining the internal structure of the society by promoting transparency. I want UCLe to be the place where entrepreneurs meet co-founders, build teams and think big. To provide these opportunities to our members we first need to know them which is where being data-driven becomes crucial. I aspire to make UCL and UCLe a fertile ground for founders and dreamers.