Election post


I am running for the Director of Events and Socials position at UCLe because I believe I have the experience and skills to help plan exciting and insightful events. Being Events & Socials Executive at UCLe for the past year has allowed me to become familiar with event logistics and how to plan an engaging event. I have built an already existing network of speakers, founders and leaders that I can work with in the upcoming year. Lastly, working with Entrepreneur First this year has widened my professional connections to startups and young founders.

As director, I would:

  1. Plan more events in collaboration with other societies. The events team and myself have noticed this year that collaborations are particularly successful, and I want to plan even more socials, networking and ideation events with other entrepreneur societies outside of UCL.
  2. Plan more events at the Entrepreneur First office, so that UCLe members can become familiar with how to begin their own company and network with existing founders.
  3. Focus on coordinating with UCLe divisions so that events do not overlap with other UCLe initiatives. Such coordination will also help with marketing prioritisation so that events don’t get ‘lost’. This will hopefully increase the event turn out and help with organisation.

If you are just as excited as I am for another year of great events and networking opportunities, I would appreciate your support!