Election post


Hey, I'm Saranya, a second-year chemical engineering student. I have some great ideas which I love to execute if I were to be elected as the social secretary of UCL Energy Society.

Sometimes, when deadlines pile up, we may forget to take time for social activities. This society presents events with a wonderful mix of career and social aspects, which I hope to increase next year. Other than the two main events: G3 Energy Summit and Energy Idea Challenge, I would love to organise more social events, giving members the opportunity to make connections within UCL and possibly collaborate with other societies, and maybe even other universities too. I have previous experience in organising dinner events and social evenings in other societies which I hope to implement here as well. I’m open to any innovative ideas for gatherings that you guys might have and try to make them happen!

I will ensure to do my best to find new ways to market the events, so we have more people joining, and of course, broadening our network. By continuing to organise career-based talks and events like those held this year, you can expect your professional connections to grow too!

Thank you!