Election post


Hi everyone! My name is Zara, and I am running for the role of VP of Marketing! I believe that I am capable of taking on this position as my past experiences have equipped me with skills that would enable me to flourish in developing the marketing aspect of the EFS society. Being a Social Media Manager of a local preschool in my hometown, along with my internship as a marketing strategist at a textile company in Indonesia have improved my creativity, designing and editing skills. 

If elected as VP of Marketing, I strive to holistically improve the marketing materials on the society’s social media platforms by ensuring that all opportunities are promoted effectively in visually appealing ways. I also aim to:

  1. Produce educational content on social media platforms that provide valuable insights to members regarding the world of finance (such as career tips, application processes for internships and jobs, general knowledge regarding finance)
  2. Provide members with posts displaying opportunities such as competitions, career insights, online and in-person events
  3. Introduce Q&A sessions and informative discussions for members to increase their understanding on all sectors of economics and finance
  4. Strengthen the society’s branding by expanding social media presence on different platforms

As a goal-oriented individual, I hope to be the next Marketing VP so I can help enhance the society’s presence and benefit all members of the society.