Election post


Hi everyone, I’m Andrew, and I am hoping to continue my term as the Vice-President of Finance. Having laid the foundational work for the division and planned out major events for the rest of academic year, I look forward to organising events that will help us springboard us into our professional careers. 

I am to achieve this by:

  1. Fostering a supportive UCL alumni network. Giving access to valuable networking opportunities is the primary focus of my term, and I am keen to continue hosting quality networking events to help us find mentors with whom we are able to establish long-lasting relationships with. 
  2. Organising events for all corners of finance by increasing exposure to other ventures outside of Investment Banking, such as Financial Consulting and Alternative Investments. I believe gaining a holistic perspective of the finance industry would be extremely advantageous to choosing our future career path. 
  3. Hosting diversity events targeting members from ethnic minority groups and disadvantaged backgrounds. It is my belief that all members compete at a level playing field and enjoy equality of opportunity to pursue their desired careers. 

I will constantly seek out your feedback on the events organised so that I can create a highly tailored experience for all of us. I look forward to continue to serve as your Vice-President of Finance, and seeing you at our events soon!