Election post


Hi everyone.

I’m Shavak, a 2nd-year Economics student, and I’m running to be your next Treasurer at EFS.

In a sprawling careers society like ours, the Treasurer wields huge responsibility. Over recent years, EFS has been tarnished by scandal and members have been left bereft of both careers support and a like-minded community. Yet, I believe this challenge creates a significant opportunity as unspent funds have enlarged the year-on-year reserve. As we all rebuild EFS with a fresh ethos, prudent budgetary management is hence more imperative than ever. A well-allocated budget has the capacity to fund a transformative range of events & socials for all members.

As your treasurer, I thus guarantee to fortify the society’s finances.

Having assisted at a regional accountancy firm and excelled in the ‘Accounting for Business’ module this year, I have developed strong bookkeeping skills. As an analyst for the UCL M&A Group, I have developed an operational understanding of financial statements. Moreover, with an upcoming IB internship, I will further advance my financial accounting skills by the onset of the next academic year.

A home is supported principally by its foundation. With my integrity, passion, and experience, rest assured that the foundation of your home at EFS will be secure with me as Treasurer.

Next year, EFS must deliver for its members. The era of instability must meet its end, so vote for me to guarantee this transformation.