Election post


I have been passionate about Drama for over 10 years, having acted in productions every single year and with unfeasible dreams of acting professionally. At UCL, I have been in 4 Blooms shows (2 of which actually went through, thank you covid) and this year I decided to join the committee as workshop and event coordinator. Every week, alongside Adam, I have been able to deliver workshops on various drama-related topics, with a crowd of approximately 20 people coming along every Monday. I care very deeply about drama society, more so than my course, and I want more than anything for this society to be the best theatrical society in the UK. If I get elected I would sustain the traditional:

-Pride showcase, new writing festival, foreign language festival, events, workshops, term 1-2-3 small shows, bringing a show to the fringe etc 

-I also wish to link more with other theatrical societies around London, and create socials and potential performances with other Universities.

- I would also engage in organising more socials with UCL members, script-reading and events with professional actors and people from the industry. 

I hope I have your vote!!