Election post


Hello to those reading this (possibly again)!

My name is Laith, and I have decided to apply for dodgeball club treasurer. Over this academic year, I have enjoyed the return to typical university life. A large part of that has been the ability to attend dodgeball sports sessions and get to know everyone. Although I am in the third year of my degree, dodgeball has allowed me to engage with really unique and lovely people. As treasurer I would like to continue the vital work required to keep the dodgeball club going. I consider myself quite organised and motivated, which I think will fit nicely with the role of treasurer. In terms of goals, I want to ensure that we can continue weekly social and competitive sessions, frequently entering tournaments, and offering dodgeball merch. I believe that I would be able to effectively carry out the roles of treasurer and be an active member of the committee.  

Thank you for making it all the way to the end. I hope you consider me for treasurer.