Election post


Hello to those reading this:)!

My name is Laith, and I have decided to apply to be social secretary for the Dodgeball Club. Over this academic year, I have enjoyed returning to typical university life. A large part of that has been due to the fantastic dodgeball sports sessions and socials. Although I am in the third year of my degree, dodgeball has allowed me to engage with really unique and lovely people. Out of all the societies and clubs that UCL offers, dodgeball has one the most friendly, open,  and vibrant communities. As social secretary, I would emulate this fun and chill atmosphere in the themed socials and activities we plan. I think that the current social secretaries have done an amazing job with the return to regular university, and I would like to expand on that, creating more varied and exciting socials, increasing participation, onboarding all ideas or opinions, and ensuring that everyone feels included in the social side of dodgeball. I consider myself quite happy and outgoing, which I think is an excellent fit for a social secretary. The last two academic years saw an absence in most of the social aspects of UCL, and with the easing of restrictions, I am excited for what I can do to make the most of the next academic year for UCL dodgeball!

Thank you for making it all the way to the end. I hope you consider me for social secretary.