Election post


Having enjoyed sports for many years, and particularly dodgeball for the last 3 years, I am humbly nominating myself for this position to take initiative to sustain and continue developing the club. Personally, this is the only club that I have joined and felt most involved in. My passion for this sport serves to motivate me to commit to this position and by undertaking a duty that is particularly new to me, I will gain valuable experience and acquire crucial transferrable skills that can be used both inside and outside of dodgeball. 

From the transition of playing as a member to undertaking a significant role in the club, I look forward to the challenges that I will face ahead. Adding to that, I am eager to liaise and build strong-bonded relationships with a whole new team of committee members that strives to achieve a common goal: to improve and maintain the club. As a president, I will oversee all the roles and responsibilities of other committee members and take suggestions from any members to improve the club. I will try to ensure that every member feels included in activities and sessions by giving individual support to them when needed. Most importantly, to create a healthy and fun environment for members to relieve stress and enjoy dodgeball just as it is.

Overall, I would like to provide as much value to the club as I would derive from it. If I were to be picked, this year will be a fun journey for me to learn, adapt, and give back to the club.