Election post


Hi there! My name is Tjun Yi and I’m a second year Law student. Over the past year, I have come to appreciate the Debating Society, for opportunities to develop my skills and to engage with the wider debating community. As an active member with plans to continue debating and judging next year, you can be sure that I will be a friendly face and open ear at both trainings and competitions.


My first aim is to make debate society a safe and welcoming space for everyone, regardless of ability or skill level. Debate can be a daunting activity, especially for beginners. Often, I have spoken to newcomers who would like to get more involved but are reluctant to because they feel overwhelmed or simply don’t know many people in the society. I hope to establish a process of following up with those who are interested to be contacted by the society, either over chat or in person. I believe that this will be an effective way to also promote inclusivity in the society, my second aim.


Diversity is having a varied range of people and experiences; inclusivity is making sure that people feel a sense of belonging so that everyone can express, contribute, and learn regardless of who they are. When looking over motions, I will ensure that they do not unfairly represent certain viewpoints, especially those of minorities and under-represented backgrounds.


I look forward to seeing you around – whether in Hustings or at the next debate training!