Election post


My name is Marie, I’m a 2nd year Natural Sciences student and I would like to nominate myself for the role of comps coordinator. During my time in dance society, I have taken part in the comps team both as a dancer and a choreographer, so I have a lot of experience of how competitions are run. This year I was also on committee as TD producer, where my role involved organising UCL’s own inter-university competition. Therefore, I am also familiar with the types of responsibilities and time commitment that come with being on committee. I loved being on committee this year, I found the job incredibly rewarding, which is why I would want to continue contributing to all our members. As comps coordinator I would make sure to stay on top of all my responsibilities such as scheduling full casts, registering us for competitions, and organising transport/accommodation. Being on the competition team can sometimes be quite stressful and draining on dancers so I would want to make the experience as enjoyable as possible by maintaining clear and consistent communication amongst the members of the comps team and finalising the timeline as early as possible. Some of my best memories from dance soc have come from committee and competitions so I know that I would be very dedicated to my role and would do my best to make being on the comps team an unforgettable experience for all of you! If you think I have what it takes, then please vote for me for your next comps coordinator!