Election post


Hey, I’m Alkistis – a 2nd year Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience PhD student - and I’m running for Blooms Producer. This is my 7th year at UCL Dance Soc and over the years I have been involved in all shows – as a dancer and choreographer – and also helped product TranscenDance 2019. In the months leading up to TranscenDance my responsibilities mainly included liaising with other universities and managing all the communications between their societies and our team and finding the hosting venue. I was also in charge of securing a sponsor, and successfully secured UCL Dance Soc’s first paid sponsorship from BASE studios – a partnership we still have to this day. I am running for Blooms Producer as I believe I have a great understanding of show production (was on Prod teams of high school events with ~1500 students and staff), and excellent leadership and organisation skills (successfully have supervised over 25 interns, BSc and MSc students). Having been an active DanceSoc member for a long time I have acquired great insight into the ins-and-outs of this society, and it would be an honour to lead the production team of our Blooms show.