Election post


Hi, I'm Eva Antoniadi, a second-year Mathematics student and your current Welfare Officer. This year, I am standing to be your next Treasurer.

As Treasurer, a few of my main responsibilities will be to ensure that funds from events are collected with meticulous care and to perform precise budget analyses, considering the Society’s revenues and costs. This will allow us to determine appropriate event ticket prices, and to assess our capacity to spend money on other affairs, for example, on subsidising our merchandise.

This year, as Welfare Officer, I had the pleasure of working alongside the rest of the committee to plan events that allowed our members to interact and connect. This helped to cultivate a community in which the members feel a sense of belonging and interpersonal connection, which I believe to be a vital component of overall wellbeing. I was able to collaborate with a team; this not only involved expressing my own ideas for events, but also truly listening to the views of others. I appreciated the value of cooperation and joint efforts to pursue a common goal.

My priority is to perform the role of Treasurer in an honest and honourable manner, by striving to act in the best interest of the Society.