Election post


Hi everyone, I'm Madeline, the current External Relations Officer of Comm Soc. I'm running to be your President next year! I've really loved serving Comm Soc this year and leading collaborations with AI Society, TEDx Society, the Kings Cross Speakers Toastmasters club, and even a public speaking competition with Durham University Public Speaking Society. 

I know firsthand what Comm Soc can do for its members: before joining, I had a terrible fear of public speaking and avoided it at all costs. Comm Soc really helped me gain confidence as a public speaker, hone my speech skills, make new friends, and grow more as a person in general – it's even given me the self-confidence to host a few workshops, compete in negotiation competitions, and run for President. I believe I am a testament to what this society is capable of doing for its members, and I want to do the same for all of our members – both regulars and newcomers! 

What sets us apart from other societies is our wholesome community: societies like debate are all about competition. We're more about giving you the room and resources to grow. Drawing from Dom and Leo's leadership, next year I want to continue running our biweekly workshops, open up more opportunities to improve speaking outside your comfort zone, grow our society, and continue to foster a wholesome community. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions; I'm excited to give this role my all. We lift as we climb! :)