Election post


The Christian Union’s goal here at UCL is to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to all students and, by God’s grace, this past year we have seen the reopening of our campus allowing the CU to accomplish this in a more usual way. Coming out of restrictions puts us in a position to improve and innovate on the way we serve our community. I would love to lead the team that, with much prayer, does that.

We are called to “…go and make disciples of all nations”, and what better place to do that than UCL’s campus. With over 150 nationalities present we have an opportunity to spread the gospel with an international outreach, here in London. This is why it is such a privilege to run for President of the CU.

I wish this year that we can proclaim Christ to all students on campus.

I know that with God all things are possible.

I hope together all we do at the CU will be for His glory.