Election post


Hi! I’m Miri, and I’m running to be your Welfare Officer this year!

In a club as huge as Lightning, it is important that every individual feels heard, represented and safe. As Welfare Officer, I would work enthusiastically with the Union to expand our participation in empowering and inclusive projects such as This Girl Can and Pride Week. As someone who cares deeply about diversity, I’d love to introduce new internal initiatives that celebrate the minority communities within our club itself, such as our LGBT and BME members.

Additionally, though we are cheery as ever on mat, we all face our struggles. I hope to amp up our mental health initiatives to be year-round and focus on directing members to external resources for support, as well as internal support networks within our teams. Cheer itself can be stressful and scary at times - I’d seek to set up conducive communication channels for members to highlight problems and share honest feedback in a non-judgemental and safe space, building trust within the club.

Moreover, I would be dedicated to expanding our inter-team relationships, such as holding more Lightning Family-centered socials.

If elected, I’d strive to be a dedicated, empathetic and unbiased support figure to the entire club - whether you’re facing a problem in cheer, a stressful week, or just need a listening ear. I may not have all the answers myself, but I’m more than happy to help search for them with you. Thank you!