Election post


My name is Harriet and I am running to be your president! I have been part of Cheerleading for 2 years and am a member of Spark and Charge and also Social Secretary. I am running for President as I want to enable future Cheerleaders to develop the love for the sport that I have and I have lots of ideas on how to continue to make our society more accessible, inclusive and fun as we expand. 

Being Social Sec this year has given me a unique position to get to know a wide range of members and understand who we are as a club, arranging weekly socials and liaising with other clubs for cross society friendships. Helping at Freshers Fair and undertaking union trainings have also allowed me to develop ideas of what it takes to lead the club. I also enjoyed helping our Welfare Officer allocate 'Lightning Families' and have got involved with plans for term 3 and beyond as part of my committee role. 

I have been Treasurer for 2 clubs this year , 93% Club + HistSoc, and this experience as a principal officer allows me to understand society regulations and what it takes to lead clubs with large amounts of members and the importance of finance and good communication between Treasurer and President (as well as the wider committee). Additionally, I run my own business and have 2 jobs so I understand the importance of time management, have organised events internationally for over 500 people and what it takes to build a warm and fun environment