Election post


Hi everyone!

As some of you know, I am a Biomedical Sciences student, going into my third year. During my time at UCL, I have become involved in running several societies, including Life Science Society, in which I am currently the Vice President, but also MedTech UCL, Kinesis Magazine, and UCL SciCon.

I take Wellbeing and Mental Health very seriously, especially seeing how commonly students need help in those areas. As a Welfare Officer, I would actively raise awareness about the services that UCL and other bodies have to offer (as I know firsthand how confusing and complicated it can seem) so that everybody knows where to seek help. I would also like to organize some welfare events, for example watching a movie, but with blankets and pillows.

This year, I have been the Welfare Officer at UCL Kinesis Magazine, which taught me a lot about this position. I attended the Mental Health training at UCL, a three-hour workshop for students in this role. However, it is actually open to everybody and I really recommend it! I also completed the Psychological First Aid course by Johns Hopkins University, on Coursera.

My interests include many areas of life sciences, including bioinformatics, regenerative medicine, and pharmacology, as well as traveling (hitchhiking!). Last year, I was volunteering as a social worker, helping elderly people during the pandemic.

Vote for me for the next Welfare Officer!