Election post


Hello, everyone! My name is Owen Chen, and I'm running for the position of Events Vice President and Welfare Officer at UCL Business Society as a first-year Management Science student. 

During my first year, I was a First-Year Representative in UCL Guild Society, which has a tight working relationship with UCL Business Society. I organised multiple events, such as the Alumni Panel Session and the First-Year Representative Guild Series in the span of four months. This demonstrates my ability and desire to inaugurate events that contribute to the betterment of our students. I also strive to host more in-person social activities as well as a series of mental health workshops to sustain the community's well-being. 

My main goal for next year is to provide our members with a greater outlook on a wide range of industries. Additionally, I hope to organise more activities that could improve career support for our students. Here are some activities you can expect me to facilitate: 

- Workshops geared towards improving one's CV, cover letter, interview performance.
- Launching a comprehensive online schedule that includes content from prior events and skills sessions
- Inviting distinguished speakers to host events that address the concerns of marginalised populations 
- Increase the number of events on entrepreneurship, venture capital, and private equity 


I hope you can put your faith in me and allow me to fulfil my goals!