Election post


Hi! I am Leann, a First Year Executive in Business Society running for President.

My active involvement in the society this year includes helping out with DECA, Shark Tank, International Case Competition, and more! I particularly enjoyed moderating the panel at Impact Investment Challenge and organising the Non-Finance Orientation Day. These events motivated me to run for President as I witnessed how the society is a vital career springboard for students.

In the upcoming year, I strive to:

  1. Engagement - I want to introduce more hands-on initiatives for our members to develop hard skills, eg Stock Pitch Competition, Code for Good, Asset & Wealth Management Challenge, etc. 
  2. Preparation - To allow members a head-start in their internship applications, I will hold CV, Cover Letter, interviews, industry-insight, technical skills workshops with professionals, with a google drive containing educational resources.
  3. Expansion - As a diverse career society, I aim to hold events introducing less explored industries such as Start-Ups, Alternative Investments, Real Estate, Blockchain, Gaming, LegalTech etc.
  4. Diversification - I strive to collaborate with other societies to bring together events such as office tours, increasing outreach for underrepresented communities. 

By voting for me, I promise to make Business society an even stronger bridge between you and a plethora of career opportunities.