Election post


I am Ina - a second year Engineering and Architecture student. A Bulgarian, who has always lived abroad, and understands very well the advantages of having a strong Bulgarian community. I believe we would all benefit from a more active Bulgarian Society as part of our lives in London.

As president I will organize:

  • Bulgarian party (Unikat 2)
  • belot card game night
  • club night at Mully's (with bg music)
  • Bulgarian book exchange
  • get togethers for Bulgarian holidays
  • Bulgarian cinema/theatre visits
  • active social media (sharing bg recipes and info on Bulgaria)

If you like this, here is why I am the best person to make it happen:

  • experience organizing Bulgarian events abroad (at school and in the EU Commission in Brussels)
  • extensive experience with the functioning of the SU
  • knowledge of all administrative processes 
  • experience running clubs

I am open to all ideas and ready to make a change for the Bulgarian community at UCL!

Гласувайте Ина, за първото некорумпирано българско правителство!