Election post


Hi! I'm Ivy, a 10-year Contract Bridge lover. I was the welfare officer of UCL Bridge Society last year and my main job was to teach new beginners.

I am running for the position of the Bridge Society President because Bridge professionals I encountered inspired me to enhance my Bridge skills further and I wish I could lead all society members to do so together. With those talented bridge amateurs, my team won championship during U20 China National Online Contract Bridge Competition in 2020. I also established a Bridge Club with my peers at high school to organize weekly events, such as teaching students and teachers how to play Bridge. I believe this type of experience is useful when I popularise Bridge at UCL.

Similar to this year, I plan to organise face-to-face Bridge games next year to help new beginners learn Bridge while actually touching Poker cards. I also plan to have some taster sessions where they could watch how the more experienced lovers, such as our committee members, play contract bridge. To immerse them in the atmosphere where the other students demonstrate Bridge playing is in my perspective the quickest way for them to fall in love with Bridge.

Meanwhile, I hope to hold activities more flexibly, allowing society members to play Bridge either online or in person once a week. Whether I am successful or not in the election doesn't affect my passion towards Bridge. Look forward to see you all in Bridge Society soon!