Election post


Book club has been a really special part of my time at university, and I want to share that with all of you. Books are such an important part of understanding the world around you and being able to do that in an informal and relaxed way can make a real difference. Ultimately, I am running for this position to help create a fun space where everyone can share their thoughts and experiences through literature!

If I became president, I would love to expand the club further while still retaining the tight-knit family environment we’ve created with more events such as book exchanges, literary-themed socials and ‘cheesy book nights.’ I would also like to carry on our ‘infamous’ book crawls which are a really fun way to meet new people and buy some really cheap books! In terms of the meetings themselves, they would involve short stories and poems so you don’t have to spend ages reading and a range of genres would be covered. There would also be plenty of opportunities for recommendations so that there’s something for everyone and you can always bring anything you’ve read/written and want to share with the group to any session.  

Overall, book club is the perfect way to keep reading with a busy university schedule and to discover new authors from all over the world, all while connecting with like-minded people and that is a tradition I would like to continue!