Election post



  • Ensure race entries are completed in time to ensure UCLBC gets to compete in a variety of events throughout the season, including HoRR, WeHoRR, HRR, HWR and BUCS events, as well as local regattas and heads
  • Guarantee parity of racing opportunities between Women's and Men's, Novice and Senior squads
  • Improve communication between committee and athletes regarding races - make sure athletes know what events they are being entered for, and when. In addition, aim to provide clear information on how much rowers will be expected to pay towards race fees, transport, etc, and work towards minimising these costs
  • Lobby the Union for more financial support towards race fees and travel to and from events
  • Work towards dismantling the paywall that exists in rowing and ensure equal racing opportunities for everyone
  • Arrange one or two training camps a year that are accessible, productive and enjoyable - these will be great for improving not only technique and fitness, but also inter-squad relationships
  • Help foster a healthy, supportive, inclusive atmosphere, and endeavour to make UCLBC a club that is competitive at a high level


  • 1 year rowing for UCL Senior Men
  • 3 years junior rowing at Llandaff Rowing Club
  • Part of the Welsh Junior Development squad in 2020
  • Some (brief) coaching experience - helped coach J14 and J16 rowers during summer of 2019 and 2020.